
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Is Your Partner A Meat Eater?

Just wondering how it works for you if your partner is not a vegan? If you haven't got a partner would you consider dating a meat eater or would it matter?


urban vegan said...

My husband is an omnivore and a "weekday vegan."

Here's how we make it work:

Ashasarala said...

The boy I'm dating was inspired to go vegan because of me! He's always had a big heart for animals and he was trying to change his diet drastically anyway. I just came along at the right time.

I always said it would be difficult for me to date anyone who eats meat. Being intimate with someone means I have to feel 100% comfortable with them. I don't want to be difficult and miss out on a good thing with someone, yet I don't want to kiss someone that was just chomping on a burger.

Part of the reason I am so fond of him is because he cares about animals to the extent that he would toss that crap out the door!

I guess I lucked out. The short answer is, though I have tons of omni friends, I could never 'be' with someone who wasn't at least a vegetarian.

River said...

Hi - just found your blog :) Great idea - and a good question here!

I am lucky, my dh is also vegan. We went vegetarian together (many years ago) and then vegan together a few years ago (both transitions were over time). We agree about the animals, so we have no problems with it - I'm lucky that way!

I don't think I could quite cope if my dh decided to become omnivore after all this time. But neither of us thinks it is at all likely!!

Love and hugs!

Jackie said...

It is even a battle when going out with friends for a meal and seeing them eat meat so doubt I would ever live with a meat eater.

Vegan_Noodle said...

My husband is an omnivore as well, though we never really have animal products in the house. He enjoys my cooking and we both try to respect each others feelings. He can be very sweet about it, always calling restaurant before we go out to eat. But it can be difficult as well, such as when we have dinner parties at our house. But it is important to respect where he is at. I think it helps me not to be one of those crazy vegans that can't hang out with my opinion, this is not the way to change the world!

Sheree' said...

My hubby is also an omnivore. I have to give him credit for trying almost everything I cook. We eat the same meals, me with seitan and him with meat. He usually likes to prepare his own part of the dinner with meat so I don't have to touch it. He is very considerate and makes sure everyone knows I am a vegan. He also tries very hard to follow the Meatless Monday rule in our home.

Sheree' said...

My hubby is also an omnivore. I have to give him credit for trying almost everything I cook. We eat the same meals, me with seitan and him with meat. He usually likes to prepare his own part of the dinner with meat so I don't have to touch it. He is very considerate and makes sure everyone knows I am a vegan. He also tries very hard to follow the Meatless Monday rule in our home.

Anonymous said...

I just recently broke up with my bf of two years, largely because I am vegan and most of his diet consists of meat and dairy. I was able to swing that for a few months, but his favorite thing to do is fish on the rivers and has chosen a career along those lines that I can't believe in.
The thing that pushed it over the edge for me was when he bought himself a rifle and took up hunting this year. Also, he insists on having children, and within a certain time frame, and insists that they share his favorite pastimes. I insist if I must have children, they will be raised vegan, unless they choose not to be. Having such a pro-meat father is going to be a huge influence.
Anyway, at least we understood each others differences, but I suppose not all opposites are harmonious.

Barnetto said...

I'm on omni with a vegan bf. He's such a caring, sensitive person. I don't have to deal with any alpha male macho posturing crap. I hadn't really thought any about animal suffering before I met him. While I'm still unlikely to become either vegetarian or vegan, my food horizons have definitely expanded. I've realized a food can still be an entree without meat (some of you might find that statement appalling, but that was how I used to feel) and all the meals I make at home are now vegetarian.

Holly St.Denis said...

Vanessa, I think it's great that you are starting to cook vegetarian dishes at home. While you say you hadn't really thought about animal suffering before you met your boyfriend, it sounds like you still don't think much about animal suffering. If you did, you wouldn't be ok with eating meat, which causes animals to suffer. You do however sound like you are trying to be open minded about it, which is great, we need more people to be open minded. However, if you would really like to understand why your boyfriend is probably a vegan and why many others choose to be vegan I suggest you check out or look up "meet your meat" on youtube and watch the videos.

As far as myself, I became vegan after I was married, my husband on the other hand, did not make the same choice. I do find it very difficult living with a meat eater. I love my husband and would never leave him but I will admit, if I had to do it again, I don't think I could even date anyone but another vegan.

Anonymous said...

If you're a single vegan and you really couldn't have a relationship with a meat-eater, try the online dating service to help find yourself a like-minded vegan or veggie partner. Sign-up and search for free at:

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